Monday, December 14, 2009

CDC Fourth National Report on Human Exposure to Environmental Chemicals

CDC Fourth National Report on Human Exposure to Environmental Chemicals.

With its fourth and most ambitious edition of its National Report on Human Exposure to Environmental Chemicals, released today, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) casts the issue of pollution in people in sharp focus.

The CDC has detected 212 contaminants in the blood and urine of thousands of people tested from 1999-2004, the most extensive survey of the American body burden ever published by the federal government.

Read more and download full report

2008 TRI National Analysis Public Data Release Data, Maps, Shapefiles

December 8, 2009 EPA makes available the 2008 TRI National Analysis.

12/13/09: This is the first year in TRI's over 20 year history that the data has been released during the same year that it was collected. Over the last few days, since the 8th, we have been working hard to bring all the relevant data, documents and information about the TRI National Analysis (formerly the TRI Public Data Release) together on these pages. At present, we have both the basis and basic-plus data available for download. We have also created state fact sheets in PDF format. We are working on ArcGIS shapefiles and plan on having them available by mid-week. We will also be adding relevant documentation and Google Earth and Google Map KML and KMZ data files.

Download 2008 TRI National Analysis Data and Fact Sheets